Foreign Manpower
This section highlights comprehensive information regarding the application, renewal and cancellation of the various passes administered by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). It also carries useful information to foreign talents who may wish to consider working in Singapore as well as tax incentives for companies which employ overseas Singaporeans.
Singapore EFMA Executive Summary
In this section
Amendments to the Employment of Foreign Manpower ActThe Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (EFMA) prescribes the responsibilities and obligations pertaining to the employment of foreign workers. The EFMA was last amended in 2007.Since 2010, following the recommendations of the Economic Strategies Committee, MOM has been taking steps to moderate the inflow and raise the quality of foreign manpower in Singapore. The aim is to shift from labour-driven to productivity-driven growth, and ensure that Singaporeans remain at the core of our workforce. While employers are by and large responsible, there are some who seek to profit by circumventing our work pass framework. As we further tighten the policies on the hiring and retention of foreign manpower, we can expect errant employers to try harder to get round our rules. If unchecked, this will erode employment opportunities for Singaporeans and give such businesses an unfair advantage over law-abiding competitors. The latest amendments to the EFMA will enhance the government’s ability to ensure the integrity of our work pass framework. MOM will be able to step up enforcement action against errant employers, errant foreign workers and syndicates more expeditiously and effectively, thereby enhancing deterrence against EFMA contraventions. The amendments will bolster our efforts to:
Second Reading of Employment of Foreign Manpower (Amendment) Bill 2012Second Reading Speech for Employment of Foreign Manpower (Amendment) Bill by Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, Acting Minister for Manpower & Senior Minister of State for National Development, 11 September 2012More information on the Amendments to the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act |
Singapore Inter-Agency Taskforce on Trafficking in Persons
Singapore Inter-Agency Taskforce on Trafficking in Persons
In 2011, the Taskforce started work on a National Plan of Action (NPA) based on the 4 ‘P’s of Prevention, Prosecution, Protection and Partnership, to set out strategic outcomes and implementation plans to combat TIP. The NPA was drafted after intensive consultation with stakeholders, and launched on 21 March 2012 by Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, Acting Minister for Manpower and Senior Minister of State for National Development. The NPA contains 31 initiatives and is a roadmap for concerted action from 2012 to 2015. It will strengthen current policies and systems, as well as develop new ones to address current gaps. More information on these initiatives may be found in the
List of employment agencies (EAs) under MOM’s surveillance (Updated as at 15 Sep 2012) These EAs are placed under MOM’s surveillance for their repeated breaches of the EA regulations. These EAs have been given a final warning that further infringements may lead to licence revocation. S/N - 1 EA Licence No - 04C3340 EA Name - UNITED EMPLOYMENT & SERVICES PTE. LTD. |
-Actions detrimental to interest of clients
Total Demerit Points Accumulated -12
Date of Licence Expiry -
18/06/2014S/N - 2
EA Licence No- 07C4334
Breaches -Breach of Employment Agency License Condition 9: Unauthorised Submission
Employment Agency Rules Rule -13(3): Failure to refund agency fee
Total Demerit Points Accumulated - 12
Date of Licence Expiry -11/10/2014
S/N - 3
EA Licence No- 01C5373
Breaches -
Breach of Section 11(1)(c) of the Employment Agency Act: Actions detrimental to the interest of its clients
Employment Agency Rules 12(3): Retaining the passport or WP of a FWTotal Demerit Points Accumulated -12 Date of Licence Expiry - 26/01/2015
Demerit points are issued when the agency infringes the Employment Agencies Act, Rules or Licensing Conditions. The demerit points are valid for a period of 12 months from the date they were administered. An agency which accumulates 12 or more demerit points at any point in time would be placed on MOM's surveillance list for a period of 12 months. Upon accumulating 12 demerit points, employment agencies will have their WPOL and EPOL accounts suspended for 3 months. These agencies will be warned that further infringements will lead to licence revocation.
List of employment agencies whose licence had been suspended by MOM
Agencies that have had their licences suspended and revoked due to severe infringements.
The following employment agencies had been suspended by MOM . According to Section 12(1) of the Employment Agencies Act, the suspended employment agencies can still operate an employment agency, but are not allowed to enter into new recruitment or placement agreements with their clients until their suspension is lifted.
S/N -
1 EA Licence No - 10C4485
EA Name - Maharani Employment Agency Pte Ltd
Operating Address Main Office - 1 Sophia Road #03-K44, Peace Centre,Singapore 228149
Licensee - Maharani Employment Agency Pte Ltd
Date of Suspension - 23-Jul-12
EA Licence No - 08C4407
EA Name - Nisel Employment Agency and Management Services
Operating Address Main Office -531A Upper Cross Street #03-117,Hong Lim Complex,Singapore 051531
Licensee -Prabahar Soundararaj Nirmala Pushpam
Date of Suspension - 29-May-12
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