
Monday, June 26, 2017

Overview of Asean's Energy Needs and Challenges !

Overview of Asean's Energy Needs and Challenges

  1. 1. Overview of ASEAN’s Energy Needs and Challenges Asia 99 “Asia in Ascendancy” Conference “Energy Needs in Asia” University Town, NUS Melissa Low Energy Analyst Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore 5 June 2012 1 
  2. 2. Presentation Outline• Energy Poverty in ASEAN• ASEAN’s Recent and Projected Economic Growth and Total Energy Consumption• Electricity Generation in ASEAN• Transport Fuel Use in ASEAN• Regional Power and Gas Pipeline Networks• Potential Role of Renewable Forms of Energy• The 5th Fuel: Energy Efficiency• Conclusions and Outlook 2
  4. 4. Energy for All Energy is a critical enabler. Without abundant and reliable energy governments cannot provide the basics: Food and Water Education Health Care National SecurityAll societies need abundant and affordable energy to urbanize, modernize and continue to develop 4
  5. 5. Energy for AllIn recognition of the importance of energy access for sustainable economic development and supporting achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the United Nations General Assembly designated 2012 as the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All
  6. 6. Electrification Rates in ASEAN• The total population of ASEAN is 567 million people. Of these, a startling 160.3 million have no electricity at all (80% live in rural and remote areas). They use twigs and leaves to cook their food.• Rural electrification rates range widely throughout the ASEAN region, from 10% in Myanmar to 100% in Singapore 6
  7. 7. Country Electrification Rate (%) Millions Population Total Urban Rural without electricity Brunei 99.7 100.0 98.6 0.0 Cambodia 24.0 66.0 12.5 11.2 Indonesia 64.5 94.0 32.0 81.1 Laos 55.0 84.0 42.0 2.7 Malaysia 99.4 100.0 98.0 0.2 Myanmar 13.0 19.0 10.0 42.8 Philippines 86.0 97.0 65.0 12.5 Singapore 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 Thailand 99.3 100.0 99.0 0.4 Vietnam 89.0 99.6 85.0 9.5ASEAN Region 71.9 91.3 54.9 160.3Source: International Energy Agency Electricity Access Database 7
  8. 8. Major Programmes and Targets for Improving Access to Electricity in ASEAN Country Program Name Description Financing ArrangementsCambodia Renewable Energy - all villages to have electricity by 2020 Data unavailable Strategy - 70% of all rural households to be electrified by 2030 - Remaining 30% of rural households will be targeted through the Renewable Energy Development Programme.Indonesia Rural Electrification - 90% electrification for 2020. Cross subsidies by state Programme – owned power utility (PNL) and National Energy donors ManagementLao PDR Rural Electrification -80% households to be electrified by 2015. Cross subsidies and foreign Programme - 90% households to be electrified by 2020. investors (decentralized -Electrification of 42,000 rural households through solutions) connection to grid of Electricité du Laos (EdL) - Phase 2 will further provide electrification to 10,000 households through off-grid technologiesPhilippines Philippines Energy - 90% of households to be electrified by 2017. Grants and loans from a Plan (2004-2013) National Electrification Fund and public-private partnerships. Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook, 2011 8
  9. 9. ASEAN’s Recent and Projected Economic Growth and Total Energy Consumption 9
  10. 10. ASEAN, World & Advanced Economies: Projected GDP Growth Rate to 2016Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, September 2011 10
  11. 11. ASEAN AAGR (%) for Power Generation from Fossil Fuels (2007-2030) 8 6 4 ASEAN China 2 India % Africa 0 Coal Oil Gas Total Latin America World -2 -4 -6Source: IEA, (World Energy Outlook 2009. (Reference Scenario) 11
  12. 12. ASEAN AAGR (%) for Power Generation from Nuclear and Renewables (2007-2030) 18 16 14 12 ASEAN 10 China India % 8 Africa Latin America 6 World 4 2 0 Nuclear Hydro Biomass & Waste Other RenewablesSource: IEA, (World Energy Outlook 2009. (Reference Scenario) 12
  13. 13. % Growth Total Final Energy Consumption by Region (2007-2030) 110 100 90 80 70 ASEAN 60 China % 50 India Africa 40 Latin America 30 World 20 10 0 2007 2015 2020 2025 2030 YearSource: IEA, (World Energy Outlook 2009. (Reference Scenario) 13
  14. 14. ASEAN Power Generation (% Share) 2007 and 2030 Compared, IEA Reference Scenario 60 50 40 % 30 20 2007 10 2030 0Source: IEA, (World Energy Outlook 2009. (Reference Scenario) 14
  15. 15. ASEAN’S Energy Resources and Energy Import Needs 15
  16. 16. ASEAN’s Energy ResourcesFossil Energy Resources:• Oil -- Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam• Gas -- Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam• Coal -- Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam Indonesian coal mine utilizing small contractors, Energy Resources:• Hydro -- Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Vietnam• Geothermal -- Indonesia, Philippines• Solar -- all countries have various amounts• Wind -- generally limited potential Indonesia’s hydropower station, March 2011,• Biomass -- all countries have various types and amounts ureaucracy-Hampers-Development-of- Hydropower-Plants 16
  17. 17. ASEAN’s Projected Total Primary Energy Demand 2020 2030 Coal 21% (145 Mtoe) Coal 24% Renewables Renewables 24% (220 Mtoe) 26% (181 Mtoe) (213 Mtoe) Nuclear 0% (4 Mtoe)Nuclear 0% (0 Mtoe) Gas 22% Gas 22% Oil 31% (199 Mtoe) (211 Mtoe) Oil 30% (150 Mtoe) (267 Mtoe) Source: IEA, WEO 2009, Reference Scenario. 17
  18. 18. ASEAN’s Production, Imports and Exports of Fossil Fuels in 2009 Fossil Energy Resources Country Coal and Peat Crude Oil Oil Products Natural Gas Brunei Production - 8485 - 10454 Imports - - 98 - Exports - -7667 - -8009 Cambodia Production - - - - Imports - - 1473 - Exports - - - - Indonesia Production 166802 48052 - 67047 Imports 46 18820 19458 - Exports -136336 -18323 -5020 -31999 Malaysia Production 1348 34226 - 50341 Imports 9126 5839 7265 956 Exports -119 -12235 -10030 -22288 Myanmar Production 732 1011 - 10464 Imports - - 642 -* Figures are thousand tones of oil equivalent. Exports -595 -41 - -7215* Data for Laos is unavailable.Source: International Energy Agency, Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries, 2011, Paris: International Energy Agency. 18
  19. 19. ASEAN’s Production, Imports and Exports of Fossil Fuels in 2009 Fossil Energy Resources Country Coal and Peat Crude Oil Oil Products Natural Gas Philippines Production 2474 1143 - 3213 Imports 4496 6909 7440 - Exports -1052 -1004 -484 - Singapore Production - - - - Imports 4 45058 89613 7093 Exports - -46 -82805 - Thailand Production 5158 16230 - 19163 Imports 10625 42361 448 7472 Exports -17 -2128 -11500 - Vietnam Production 24480 17330 - 7099 Imports 465 - 14805 - Exports* Figures are thousand tones of oil equivalent. -13995 -13614 -1811 -* Data for Laos is unavailable.Source: International Energy Agency, Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries, 2011, Paris: International Energy Agency. 19
  20. 20. ASEAN’s Production, Imports and Exports of Nuclear and Renewable Energy in in 2009 Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources Country Nuclear Hydro Geothermal Biofuels & Waste Brunei Production - - - - Imports - - - - Exports - - - - Cambodia Production - 4 - 3664 Imports - - - - Exports - - - - Indonesia Production - 979 15981 52981 Imports - - - - Exports - - - -282 Malaysia Production - 574 - 3205 Imports - - - 4 Exports - - - -223 Myanmar Production - 360 - 10531 Imports - - - - Exports - - - -* Figures are thousand tones of oil equivalent. Data for Laos is unavailable.Source: International Energy Agency, Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries, 2011, Paris: International Energy Agency. 20
  21. 21. Production, Imports and Exports of Nuclear and Renewable Energy in the ASEAN Region in 2009 Nuclear and Renewable Energy ResourcesCountry Nuclear Hydro Geothermal Biofuels & WastePhilippines Production - 842 8881 6922 Imports - - - 33 Exports - - - -Singapore Production - - - 29 Imports - - - - Exports - - - -Thailand Production - 615 2 20538 Imports - - - 57 Exports - - - -26Vietnam+ Production - 2578 - 25155 Imports - - - - Exports - - - -* Figures are thousand tones of oil equivalent. Data for Laos is unavailable.Source: International Energy Agency, Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries, 2011, Paris: International Energy Agency. 21
  22. 22. Electricity Generation in ASEAN 22
  23. 23. Breakdown of ASEAN Electricity Generation in 2009 (%) Coal Geother Solar and Oil Gas Biofuels Waste Hydro Wind mal PV Peat Brunei 1 99Cambodia 95.6 0.5 3.9Indonesia 41.8 22.8 22.1 7.3 6 Malaysia 30.9 2 60.7 6.3Myanmar 8.9 19.6 71.5Philippines 26.6 8.7 32.1 15.8 16.7 0.1 Thailand 19.9 0.5 70.7 40.4 4.8 neg neg negSingapore 18.8 81 0.2 Vietnam 18 2.5 43.4 36 Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) 23
  24. 24. CoalThe Region depends heavily on coal to generate electricity and this dependence is expected to rise over the next decade.• Coal represents the cheapest and most convenient fuel to meet the expected surge in electricity demand• Coal is the undisputed leader in dirty fuel• Burning coal releases more CO2 per unit of energy than oil and natural gas.• In terms of its lifecycle, the mining, transportation and burning of coal leads to major environmental and health hazards, from smog, acid rain, mercury pollution in rivers, to asthma and other respiratory ailments. 24
  25. 25. Natural GasThe Region will use more gas over the next decade to generate electricity.• It is a cleaner fuel than coal• Thailand and Singapore import large quantities• Malaysia, Brunei and Myanmar all export gas• IEA predicts that unconventional natural gas will supply 40% of the increase in global supply• IEA says recoverable conventional gas resources are equivalent to more than 120 years of current consumption in the world; total gas resources could sustain today’s production for 250 years 25
  26. 26. OilThe Region will use less and less oil over the next decade to generate electricity.• It is generally the most expensive way to generate electricity• It is a highly polluting way to generate electricity• It makes more sense to refine the oil and use the petroleum products in the transport sector• Cambodia relies heavily on oil to generate electricity (diesel generators) because it does not yet have coal or gas powered plants. 26
  27. 27. Nuclear PowerPost-Fukushima:• Vietnam has not changed its plans to build a nuclear power plant. It has signed agreements with Russia and Japan to build two 1000 MW reactors. Russia will start the construction of the first one in 2013.• Indonesia continues to discuss plans. Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines have also not discontinued studying this option.• Thailand has put its nuclear plans on hold.Major Advantages:• Does not contribute to global warming and climate change• ASEAN lacks adequate domestic coal, gas and oil• Potentially volatile pricing of fossil fuel imports ruinous to developing ASEAN• Governments forced to subsidise the cost of electricity 27
  28. 28. Issues with Nuclear• Ring of Fire and earthquakes/volcanoes• Cost• Lead time for construction of nuclear power plants• Shortages of skilled labor• Disposal of radioactive nuclear waste• Corruption• Lack of “Maintenance Culture” 28
  29. 29. Nuclear Security Risks• Incidents at the nuclear power plant or during transportation of nuclear material thus releasing large amounts of radioactive material• Terrorist attacks on nuclear power plant or during transportation• Theft of radioactive or nuclear materialsSource: The International Institute for Strategic Studies ( ) 29
  30. 30. Transport Fuel Use in ASEAN 30
  31. 31. Energy Use in the Transport Sector • The transport sector in Transport Sector Malaysia, Philippines, Energy Consumption Country (% of total energy Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam consumption) accounted for 17-35% of Malaysia 35.1 total energy consumption in 2009. Philippines 35.0 Thailand 25.1 • Transport consumption Indonesia 21.6 has increased commensurately with Singapore 20.3 economic growth Vietnam 17.3Source: International Energy Agency (IEA), (2011) 31
  32. 32. Vehicle Population (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) 90 80 • Vehicle Motor Vehicles (millions) 70 population for these ASEAN 60 countries is 50 expected to grow from 10 40 million in 1990 30 to 79 million in 2030. 20 10 0 1990 2000 2005 2015 2030 YearSource, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre, APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 4th Edition, 2009
  33. 33. Projected Transport Sector Consumption (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) 350 35 • Transport consumptionEnergy Consumption (Mtoe) 300 30 is projected to increase from 87 Mtoe in 2007 Transport Share (%) 250 25 to 176 Mtoe in 2020 200 20 and 299 Mtoe to 2030. 150 15 • The share of transport 100 10 is projected to increase from 24.6% in 2007 to 50 5 29.2% in 2020 and 31.0% in 2030. 0 0 2007 2020 2030 Year Energy Consumption Source: Institute of Energy Economics, 3rd ASEAN Energy Outlook, Japan 2011 33
  34. 34. Vehicle Population Per Capita 800 Motor Vehicles per 1,000 persons 700 • On average, 600 this translates 500 Vietnam to a 492% Indonesia increase from 400 Philippines 26 vehicles per 300 Singapore 1,000 persons Thailand in 1990 to 127 200 Malaysia vehicles per Average 100 1,000 persons in 2030. 0 1990 2000 2005 2015 2030 ASEAN CountriesSource: APERC, APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook, 4th ed.
  35. 35. Import/Export of Petroleum Products 150 125 Energy Consumption 100 75 (Mtoe) 50 Imports 25 Exports 0 Net Imports 1990 1995 2000 2005 -25 -50 -75 Year Around 1999, ASEAN went from being a net exporter (13.2 Mtoe in 1990) to a net importer (27.4 Mtoe in 2009) of petroleum products.Source: IEA (2011) 35
  36. 36. ASEAN Refinery CapacitiesOf the ten ASEAN countries, only Cambodia and Laos have no refineries. They must import all their required refined products. ASEAN Refinery Capacity (Barrels per day) Brunei 9,000 Myanmar 57,000 Vietnam* 130,500 Philippines 282,000 Malaysia 515,000 Thailand 729,000 Indonesia 1,000,000 Singapore 1,344,000 Total 4,066,500* Vietnam’s refinery halted temporarily in 2009 but resumed in 2011Source: EIA Countries Data, 2009. ( 36
  37. 37. Pump Prices• Malaysia and 1.60 Indonesia have the 1.40 highest expenditures 2010 Pump prices (US$ per litre) on fuel subsidies 1.20• The Philippines and 1.00 Indonesia Malaysia Thailand provide 0.80 Philippines targeted subsidies for Singapore public transport 0.60 Thailand Vietnam• There are no fuel 0.40 subsidies in Singapore 0.20 0.00 Source: World Bank (2012) Diesel Gasoline 37
  38. 38. Source: IEA, WEO 2009, Reference Scenario. 38
  39. 39. Fuel Subsidy Implications• Southeast Asian countries, with the exception of Philippines and Singapore, subsidise fuel and electricity prices• Fuel subsidies hamper the ability of a government to fund other programmes, particularly those directed towards low income groups• In Indonesia, 40% of high income families benefit from 70% of the fuel subsidies while 40% of the lowest income families benefit from only 15% of the subsidies• Fuel subsidies also create a strain on government budgets, particularly in times of high fuel prices• In 2011, fuel subsidies accounted for $14 billion or 11% of Indonesia’s state budget, more than the $2.3 billion spent by the government on education and health combined• In addition, fuel subsidies distort economic prices, discourage energy efficiency improvements and promote wasteful consumption 39
  40. 40. Ending Fuel Subsidies• Many ASEAN countries have announced plans to phase out fuel subsidies due to high oil prices which have resulted in increasing government expenditure• From a political viewpoint, it is difficult to remove subsidies, generating often violent public discontent• In 1998, a fuel price hike in Indonesia helped trigger student riots which ended President Suharto’s 32 year reign• In 2008, an oil subsidy cut in Malaysia led to student protests, after which the ruling coalition lost a third of its parliamentary seats and control of five states to the opposition• More recently, in April 2012, weeks of protests led to the Indonesian government to reverse plans for an immediate fuel price hike 40
  41. 41. Ways to End Fuel Subsidies• The political fallout from removing subsidies can be minimized by ending subsidies at the right moment• In April 2012, the Taiwanese government found a political opportunity to end fuel subsidies and raise petrol prices by 10% as there were no major elections coming up in the next four years• Subsidies can also be removed in times of low oil prices. In 2009, the price of oil was at around $35 per barrel, in contrast to the price of over $100 per barrel today 41
  42. 42. Regional Power and Gas Pipeline Networks 42
  43. 43. ASEAN Power Grid and Gas Pipeline Network Projects• ASEAN was established in 1967 (initial membership of 5 states) with the stated goal of promoting regional stability, cooperation, trade, and economic growth• Energy was identified as a key area for cooperation. – Initially, cooperation was viewed as a way of enhancing energy security – Of late, the environment is also viewed a driver• In 1997, the Heads of State at the Second ASEAN Informal Summit (Kuala Lumpur) envisioned an energy integrated Southeast Asia. Energy integration was to be driven by two projects: – The ASEAN Power Grid Project (APG) – The Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP) 43
  44. 44. Map of Proposed ASEAN Power Grid and Gas Pipeline Network Projects 44
  45. 45. Source: IEA, WEO 2009, Reference Scenario. 45
  46. 46. Slow Progress on APG and TAGPThe ASEAN Power Grid Project (APG) – Bilateral arrangements have driven existing grid interconnections – Progress going forward will be slow given the complexity and scale of the task – Electricity trading in ASEAN will be along time coming The Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP) – Efforts to build the TAGP did not pan out as expected, most developments to date are on a bilateral basis – The evolution of the natural gas market and technological progress has impeded the expansion of the TAGP as previously envisioned – The flexibility afforded by LNG, a substitute to pipeline transport of gas, would most likely be favoured by governments in the region 46
  47. 47. Potential Role of Renewable Forms of Energy 47
  48. 48. Carbon & Energy Reduction Targets (Select ASEAN, ASEAN+3 countries)COUNTRY REDUCTION TARGETSCHINA 40-45% Carbon Intensity reduction by 2020 15% of energy to come from non-fossil fuels by 2020INDONESIA 19% Carbon Emissions reduction (from energy sector) by 2020MALAYSIA 40% Carbon Emissions reduction by 2020 (conditional, voluntary)JAPAN 25% Carbon Emissions reduction by 2020 (1990 levels)*SINGAPORE 35% Energy Intensity reduction by 2030 (2005 levels) 25% Carbon Intensity reduction by 2012 (1990 levels) 7-11% Carbon Emissions reduction by 2020 (BAU levels, unconditional) 16% Carbon Emissions reduction by 2020 (BAU, conditional)S. KOREA 30% Carbon Emissions reduction (forecast levels)THAILAND 30% Carbon Emissions reductions (from energy sector) by 2020VIETNAM 5% of electricity to come from non-fossil fuels by 2020 48
  49. 49. Strong Renewable Energy Potential in ASEAN 2030 Renewable Electricity Potentials in2030 Renewable Electricity Potentials in Major OECD‐30 Sub‐regions (source: IEAASEAN‐6 Countries (source: IEA 2011) 2011)
  50. 50. Renewables for Electricity GenerationWind, solar, geothermal, etc., can play a useful supplementary role. However, they will not replace fossil fuels in the next two decades.• Indonesia and Philippines have large geothermal reserves.• Substantial hydropower resources in the region, but they cannot replace fossil fuels. 50
  51. 51. Biofuels for TransportAsia will experience soaring demand for biofuels in the coming years as the demand for private vehicles soarsASEAN’s largest biofuel producers are: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines 51
  52. 52. Biofuel Industry Drivers• Decline of the region’s oil reserves• Huge imports of oil result in negative trade balances and an outflow of foreign exchange• Price of oil could reach new heights due to physical and/or political factors• Subsidisation of oil prices places great strain on government finances (e.g. Indonesia)• It is hoped that the biofuels industry can help pull thousands of rural residents out of poverty 52
  53. 53. Concerns Linked with Biofuels• Deforestation• Soil and water depletion• Loss of biodiversity• Loss of farmland• Eutrophication• Haze• High energy consumption in biofuels production, thus questionable decreases in carbon dioxide emissions• First generation biofuels are food crops. This can put pressure on food prices and exacerbate of poverty 53
  54. 54. The 5th Fuel: Energy Efficiency 54
  55. 55. Poor Energy Efficiency in ASEAN: An Example Losses as % of total Country (billion kWh) net generationBrunei 0.218 6% • ASEAN has very highBurma (Myanmar) 0.22 transmission and 34% distribution lossesCambodia 15.36 19%Indonesia 0.26 10%Laos 3.99 7% • Wasted resources and addMalaysia 1.91 4% to costsPhilippines 7.5 13%Singapore 2.16 5%Thailand 8.78 6%Vietnam 7.99 10%China 181.15 5%United States 260.58 7%India 219.87 6%OECD 662.78 7%
  56. 56. Energy Efficiency – Overcoming Challenges• Must convey the right message about how energy efficiency contributes to economic prosperity, focusing on important issues other than climate change mitigation.• Can shift the emphasis of scaling up energy efficiency from developing technologies to delivering energy savings.• Both regulatory policies and financial incentives are required to promote energy efficiency market transformation; appropriate emphasis and balance between the two will vary from one country to another.• Carbon finance remains largely untapped as a major financial incentive to help scale up energy efficiency markets.
  57. 57. Conclusions and Outlook 57
  58. 58. Source: IEA, WEO 2009, Reference Scenario. 58
  59. 59. Concluding RemarksASEAN’s Electricity Needs• Still millions of people suffering in this region due to lack of electricity• The region faces very high demand for electricity over the next two decades• There is considerable coal and gas in the region, but more will need to be imported• Coal is a step backwards in terms of global warming?• Nuclear option takes time and comes with many real concerns• Renewables will contribute only a small portion of required electricity 59
  60. 60. Concluding RemarksASEAN’s Transport Fuel Needs• Phenomenal increase in vehicle ownership expected over next two decades• Demand for gasoline and diesel will be staggering; most will need to be imported• Blending of biofuels into transport fuels expected to be slow; controversialRegional Power and Gas Pipeline Networks• Good intentions, and very logical but progress is slowEnergy Efficiency• Energy efficiency is generally very low. Tremendous scope to improve it 60
  61. 61. Concluding RemarksThere are many opportunities to assist ASEAN with its provision and use of energy.The region has good potential to “leapfrog” to the newest energy technologies and not go through the inefficient and environmentally degrading industrial revolution that the rest of the world went through. 61
  62. 62. Thank you! 62


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