
Thursday, August 16, 2012

NTU graduate and Business Manager offers her body for sale at $3,500monthly

Submitted by Takagi on Thu, 06/21/2012 - 10:16

Some female employees at a local home-grown bank are reportedly moonlighting by offering sexual services to clients, according to a Taiwanese living in Singapore.

In a blog post in May, Kathy Chen asked if Singaporean bank employees really possess ‘high moral values’ and ‘integrity’ as claimed:

“As a Taiwanese, and having stayed in Singapore for a brief period, I have discovered a few female employees from the same bank, UNITED OVERSEAS BANK SINGAPORE, but different branches, to be moonlighting as such, offering sexual services for a monthly compensation or per meeting compensation of SGD 3,000 to SGD 3,500 or SGD 400 to SGD 500 respectively.”

She further alleged that one of the female bank employees is a NTU graduate who offered her body to one of her acquaintance:

“One of these female bank employees happen to be one holding the title of Business Financial Manager at the xxx Branch. xxx, who one of her solicited clients happened to be an acquaintance of mine, joined the bank not long before she started to moonlight, offering her body for sale for between SGD 3,000 to SGD 3,500 per month, depending on client.”

The blogger attached photos of the NTU graduate and added sarcastically that the money earned from prostituting herself for the sake of pursuing her vanity dreams, ”goes to her monthly pedicure, clubbing, hair-do, dining and other high-life living, so as to depict the glamorous life and her present position as a manager as well as that of a banker.”

“Do not the Ministry of Finance, Monetary Authority of Singapore and even the bank’s management see such female employees possessing even greater financial risks than those ex-convicts and discharged bankrupts? Where, then, are the widely proclaimed High Moral Values and Integrity of Bank Employees in Singapore?” she asked.

Ms Susan Lee from UOB Public Relation responded, mentioning that “some serious issues were raised in the email“, there was however, no mentioning of the bank’s views.

Subsequently, the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Ministry of Finance were both also alerted.

Reporters from Lianhe WanBao, The New Paper, Today were also informed of the issue and evidences, including WhatsApp Chat Logs from Connie Teo which reflects some sexual transaction chats. A reporter, Rennie Whang, from The New Paper had even been shown SMSes detailing terms of sexual transaction sent by Connie.

However, despite all these, nothing about this was ever reported in any of the three named newspapers in Singapore.

This gives rise to 2 possibilities:

either the reporters failed to understand the importance of the issue, which is not about the relationship between my source and Connie; or
that the issue has been purposely suppressed by the Editors/Publishers of the respective publication to avoid:
a) tainting the “squeaky” clean image of Singapore Banking and Financial Industry;

b) tainting the image of United Overseas Bank.

The failure to report issue such as this is indeed a disservice done to the Singapore public at large, especially when most of the members of the public are the bank’s customers and shareholders.

When bank customers and shareholders happened to read about such issues on the internet, it will only create more doubts and more distrusts between them (the bank’s customers and shareholders) and the bank.


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