
Friday, May 25, 2012

Google an Application Specific Password!

Did you know! google passwword is safety ir not, you'd be thinking about the not safety than
do you want to be google applicatin  specific password is here!

Application-specific passwords

An application-specific password can only be created when you are signed up for 2-step verification.

Some applications that work outside a browser aren't yet compatible with 2-step verification and cannot ask for verification codes, for example:
• AdWords Editor
• Apps on smartphones such as Android, BlackBerry or iPhone
• Google Voice mobile application on iPhone
• Chrome Sync
• Mail clients such as Microsoft Outlook
• Chat clients such as Google Talk or AIM
To use these applications, you first need to generate an application-specific password. Next, enter that in the password field of your application instead of your regular password. You can create a new application-specific password for each application that needs one. Learn more

Watch the video on application-specific passwords

Step 1 of 2: Generate new application-specific password
Enter a name to help you remember what application this is for:
ex: "Bob's Android", "Gmail on my iPhone", "GoogleTalk", "Outlook - home computer", "Thunderbird"


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