
Saturday, February 17, 2018

恭喜发财 新年快乐 gōng xî fã cái xīn nían kùai le

'Happy Chinese New Year2018' ႏွစ္သစ္မွာစီးပြားတိုးတက္ျပီးခ်စ္ခင္သူမ္ိသားစုနဲ႔ေပ်ာ္ရႊင္ျကပါေစ!

恭喜发财 gōng xî fã cái ~ Good Luck ~ စီးပြါးလာဘ္လာဘေပါမ်ားပါေစ
新年快乐  xīn nían kùai le ~Happy New Year ~ နွစ္သစ္မွာေပ်ာ္ရင္ပါေစ
出入平安   chū ruù píng ãn~
Travel Safely~ သြားေလရာေဘးကင္းပါေစ
吉祥如意  jí xiáng rú yiì~Good luck ~ကံံေကာင္းပါေစ အရာရာ အဆင္ေျပပါေစ
岁岁平安 suì suiì píng ãn~ Peaceful always ~ နွစ္တိုင္းနွစ္တိုင္းေအးခ်မ္းပါေစ
招财进宝 zhão caí jìn băo~ Lucky money ~ ခ်မ္းသာမွ ေအာင္ျမင္မွဳေတြနဲျပည့္စံုပါေစ
长命百岁 cháng mìbăi suì~ Longevity ~ အသက္100ထိရွည္ပါေစ
心想事成 xīn xiáng shì chéng~I want to do ~ဆနၵေတြအားလံုးအမွန္တကယ္ျဖစ္လာပါေစ


恭喜發財 Gong Xi Fa Cai ~ May you come into a good fortune

作詞:劉德華/李安修 作曲:陳德建 Lyrics:Andy Lau/Li Xiu   melody:Chen Jian

我恭喜你發財  I congratulate you make a fortune
我恭喜你精彩 I congratulate you are excellent
最好的請過來 The best comes please
不好的請走開 The worst go away please
禮多人不怪 Courtesy costs nothing

我祝滿天下的女孩 I wish all the world's girls
嫁一個好男孩 Can marry  good boy
兩小口永遠在一塊 I wish all the world's children
我祝滿天下的小孩 Smarter than scholar
聰明勝過秀才  their intelligences are better than scholars

智商充滿你腦袋 The couples will be together

我祝尊敬的奶奶 I wish dear grandma
三十六圈的比賽 36 laps' race 
氣不喘面容不改  Breathing is not heavily ;face is not changed
我祝三叔公的買賣 I wish  a good business for third granduncle
生意揚名四海財運亨通住豪宅 Famous business around the world, fortunes find their way to you and living mansion
大搖大擺 Requests from the best
樂天替你消災 Best comes please
恭喜發財 The worst go away please
要喊得夠豪邁 Calling with boldly

恭喜發財 Congratulate you make a fortune
我恭喜你發財(恭喜恭喜你發財) I congratulate you a fortune / I congratulate you best
我恭喜你精彩(恭喜恭喜你精彩) I congratulate you make a fortune / I congratulate you are excellent
最好的請過來 The best comes please
不好的請走開  The worst go away please
禮多人不怪 Courtesy costs nothin

我祝大家笑口常開 I wish everybody smiles all the time
用心把愛去灌溉  Nurturing love with your heart
明天呀我們更厲害 I wish all arenas in the world
我祝在世界的舞台 Tomorrow, we'll more remarkable
跑得比那黑  Running faster then that blacks
歲歲年年出人才  Each annual talent makes talents
大搖大擺  Walk swinging
樂天替你消災 Lotte for you misfortunes
恭喜發財 Congratulate you make a fortune
要喊得夠豪邁 Calling with boldly

我恭喜你發財(恭喜恭喜你發財) I congratulate you a fortune / I congratulate you best
我恭喜你精彩(恭喜恭喜你精彩) I congratulate you make a fortune / I congratulate you are excellent
最好的請過來 The best comes please
不好的請走開  The worst go away please
禮多人不怪 Courtesy costs nothing

再來 Again...
我恭喜你發財 I congratulate you a fortune
我恭喜你精彩  I congratulate you best
最好的請過來 The best comes please
不好的請走開 The worst go away please
禮多人不怪 Courtesy costs nothing
恭喜發財 Congratulate you make a fortune


恭喜你发财 gong xi ni fa cai  
Congratulations on your fortune
恭喜你精彩 gong xi ni jing cai
Congratulations on your wonderful
最好的请过来 zui hao de qing guo lai
Please come over the best
不好的请走开 bu hao de qing zou kai
Please go away if you are not good
OH 礼多人不怪 OH li duo ren bu guai
OH ceremony more people do not blame
我祝满天下的女孩 wo zhu man tian xia de nv hai
 I wish all over the world girl
嫁一个好男孩  jia yi ge hao nan hai
Marry a good boy
两小口永远在一块 liang xiao kou yong yuan zai yi kuai
Two small mouth in one forever
我祝满天下的小孩  wo zhu man tian xia de xiao hai
 I  wish children all over the world

聪明胜过秀才 cong ming sheng guo xiu cai
 Clever than scholar
智商充满你脑袋zhi shang chong man ni nao dai
IQ is full of your head

我祝尊敬的奶奶wo zhu zun jing de nai nai
I wish my dear grandma
三十六圈的比赛 san shi liu quan de bi sai
Thirty-six laps of the game
气不喘面容不改 qi bu chuan mian rong bu gai
Gas does not change his face
我祝三叔公的买卖 wo zhu san shu gong de mai mai
I wish Third Uncle public sale
生意扬名四海 sheng yi yang ming si hai
Business is famous all over the world
财运亨通住豪宅 cai yun heng tong zhu hao zhai
Fortune prosperous living mansion
大摇大摆da yao da bai
乐天替你消灾le tian ti ni xiao zai
Rakuten for your disaster
恭喜发财gong xi fa cai
Congratulations on your fortune
要喊得够豪迈 yao han de gou hao mai
To shout enough heroic
恭喜发财 gong xi fa cai
Congratulations on your fortune
恭喜你发财 gong xi ni fa cai
I congratulate you wonderful
我恭喜你精彩 wo gong xi ni jing cai
Congratulations on your fortune
最好的请过来 zui hao de qing guo lai
Please come over the best
不好的请走开 bu hao de qing zou kai
Please go away if you are not good
OH 礼多人不怪 OH li duo ren bu guai
OH ceremony more people do not blam
祝大家笑口常开 zhu da jia xiao kou chang kai
I wish you all laugh
用心把爱去灌溉 yong xin ba ai qu guan gai
Intention to love to irrigation
明天呀我们更厉害 ming tian ya wo men geng li hai
Tomorrow, we are even more powerful
我祝全世界的无奈 wo zhu quan shi jie de wu nai
I wish the helplessness of the world

跑得比那黑人更快 pao de bi na hei ren geng kuai
Run faster than the black ones
岁岁年年出人才 sui sui nian nian chu ren cai
A year out of talent

大摇大摆 da yao da bai
乐天替你消灾 le tian ti ni xiao zai
Rakuten for your disaster
恭喜发财 gong xi fa cai
Congratulations on your fortune
要喊得够豪迈 yao han de gou hao mai
To shout enough heroic

恭喜你发财gong xi ni fa cai
Congratulations on your fortune
恭喜你精彩gong xi ni jing cai
Congratulations on your wonderful
最好的请过来zui hao de qing guo lai
Please come over the best
不好的请走开bu hao de qing zou kai
Please go away if you are not good
OH 礼多人不怪OH li duo ren bu guai
OH ceremony more people do not blame
恭喜你发财gong xi ni fa cai
ongratulations on your fortune
恭喜你精彩gong xi ni jing cai
Congratulations on your wonderful
最好的请过来zui hao de qing guo lai
Please come over the best

不好的请走开bu hao de qing zou kai
Please go away if you are not good
OH 礼多人不怪OH li duo ren bu guai
OH ceremony more people do not blame
恭喜发财gong xi fa cai
Congratulations on your fortune

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