
Thursday, December 7, 2017

MYANMAR CAD (Behaves Badly Habit)

Burmese people are poor majority of good-intentioned but why?

The majority (TEAM WORK) is low, the drill ... and easier to divide the sidelines. There are a lot of envy, It just will not want to one another, I'm jealous, He praised those who do not like it, Just wanted praised the same one, Slytherin could not duplicate.

Not really. I do not actively try such a scenario, and want to shirk, There are a lot of waste of money if you buy, if you think, I just use straight straight, if you want to buy to buy.

Economy have to do, is not afraid ... do not expect long-term interests. Are you sure you regularly want metal, more staff, more money Philosophy, the less innovative, can not consume the traditional philosophy.

I have helped too long ... So you go across, to the changing times require less education, less knowledge to learn, interested, critical, less action, strong and practically

Suggested's good. Poor management process, like Baird unfairly .., He also failed to fail to have a view onto their lost, bored, failed Kan desperately.

Just one unparalleled experience and a lot of things without reading the review ... .. Funny outlook arbitrary elastic desperately, The prayer of the church comes from the opportunity to get more than the study could not be made public.

A normal life, I'm very happy Is interested in more than just about story, There are a lot of waste of time banging.

Worse, less the idea to increase the money ... money is clenched tightly instill one, money is not familiar with the benefits of life coaching.

Get famous. I'm not interested to know that are not used to သိသလို money.

Scholars want to share your wisdom ... I do not want to cultivate emerging.

"These poor things ..."

"Well ... if you ....

Should be mostly changes around Burmese are behaves badly habit and not with the people in the neighbouring compare here!

The moral and conduct skills can not compete with the vast majority did not know when the construction of the current labor wages did what and why entrepreneurs like me.

Yesterday friends around the country import and export company, Japan opened schools at met him.

I asking to him, he view on the my country and Burmese option. Whip fact, many Burmese are easy to believe, The right hand, forgiving ways.

If the complicated foreign guests were even more forgiving, They act Impressive, They too, Honest attitude .This is a good spot ! There , the plot good job working at the difficulties we are facing.

Burma's degree, but we've had no job skills here!

Employment experts say you should not make yourself known, you can arrange the work yourself Schools, not to you, You can do common joint teams formed, All the fun event, and have almost nothing to do honest work Do not collaborate with each other in the workplace, Under the above problems forced me just see what I thought, above, below, would often find time, He said, seen so many quit 100 b y 80% work in the workplace.
The country graduates is very high too, And then nothing, Save yourself makers, Any kind of speak time.

His school teacher, albeit on teachers' salary is no longer responsible for their days work, You can not easily tell. Saying that the value of the work is not easy to quit too.

Making an easy task inning, they were surprised, The job's quite a long-term space by resetting Money alone is not quit shitty business, The work is much appreciated.

* Personal work in the workplace, Lovers and the phone says, Unnecessarily long friends and say, Works as nonsensical words at each other, I do not know a shame.

* If this job, He was very surprised, Even after business hours on business as well as work-related,   but less obvious, a report, Know from work, friends, girlfriend Even through other work, a job, and does not cover Very Important benheywood.

* Cleaning graduate work I can not work any tent said. Schools do cleaning, Tents to clean the place yourself, did not you think His comment I was the man behind the toilet to keep clean, do not make sense Managers are cleaning toilets in Japan, I turned to the use, Reserved for big cleaning jobs.

* He went just tell us where you Buddhist public, If you remove the thorns trash button You just had to be justified in a ...

*** Another salary ***
My work situation and want more than they should be. How to do the job, They would also mastered the work-week, This job is better earning salary and try to make the first priority minds. The other is to pay a little more to hear their work and skill than a week could kill. At a sooner than wages in China, is not nobody here.

The teacher then go to see want to ride too. Craft ride boss told the teacher can work if selected wrong Annoyed with no land to be used for the work the next day, I, Did the end of 5 days, four times for a tent The teacher, a school that fits inside Why, why do not mind studying the investigation. About 30 employees work Xi, Difficulties found in about 4 years since he lost.

It's good to stay in Japan than in the country, The era of the law are unable to follow the defined open control very happy.

If you work are difficult to sustain, Working Burmese people appreciate the work I'm attached to the job duties and salary, but always see attached Beam It is not only to salaries, work The experts at work, Senior became a happy note.



According to the Myanmar tradition, a person has no family name. A woman has her own name and retains it even after marriage. A child is normally named according to the day of the week he(or she) was born, whereby each day of the week is denoted by certain letters of the Myanmar alphabet. For example, Monday is denoted by the names Kyaw,Khin, Kyin, etc;Thuesday by San, Su, Nyi, etc, Another way to name a child is based on his (or her) date of birth.

The Name
According to the Myanmar tradition, a person has no family name. A woman has her own name and retains it even after marriage. A child is normally named according to the day of the week he(or she) was born, whereby each day of the week is denoted by certain letters of the Myanmar alphabet. For example, Monday is denoted by the names Kyaw,Khin, Kyin, etc;Thuesday by San, Su, Nyi, etc, Another way to name a child is based on his (or her) date of birth.

A person is usually addressed according to his age. For older people, their names are pre-fixed with U(pronouced Oo) and Daw and are the equivalents of Mr and Ms respectively. A young adult is addressed by the Honorifics Ko (for males) and Ma (for females). A child is referred to as Maung and Ma for males and females respectively. Example: Khin Myat, a departmental manager, could be addressed as U Khin Myat by his colleagues but as Ko Khin Myat or Maung Khin Myat by monks and elders.Maha Thray Sithu, Sithu, Thiri Pyan Chi, Wunna Kyaw Htin, and Naing-ngat Gon-yi titles are civil awards conferred on individuals normally government servants for distinguished service.

The Ceremonies
Births, engagements, and marriages are considered to be auspicious occasions or tha ye while sickness and death fall into nga ye or sad occasions. When a woman has given birth, it is usual for her friends and colleagues to give gifts such as feeding bottles and clothes. Gifts should never be given before the baby's birth as some women are superstitious that this will bring misfortune to the baby. When the baby is 100 days old, a name-giving ceremony is usually held. Monks will be invited to chant prayers and bless the baby and in turn meals will be offered to all participants.

Some couples who are getting engaged may throw a party for their families and friends .Guests of honour at such parties are couples who have long and happy marriages. On such an occasion, the male guest of honour will give a speech to extol the virtues of the bride-to-be on behalf of the bridegroom's parents. If you are invited to an engagement party, you may or may not bring any gift.

Couples in Myanmar are married by registering at the registrar of marriages or by going through a ceremony conducted by a respectable couple at a grand hotel or by sheer mutual consent with no ceremony at all.

Suitable wedding gifts depend on the couple's station life. If they are young and are not financially stable, a cash gift in multiple of hundred (to symbolise a long life) is suitable. Otherwise, functional items such as crockery, electrical appliances, and pieces of cloth make excellent gifts, Gifts that are taboo include scissors, knives and anything black in color. Among office colleagues, a collection will normally be made to buy a gift for the couple or give the cash collection outright.

When a person is seriously ill, his or her relatives and friends are normally informed. Once informed, the friend or relative has an obligation to visit the sick person. Normally, gifts on such occasions would be fresh fruits or canned cereals. Many old traditional Myanmar are reluctant to be admitted into hospitals. However, with improvements in medical science, this attitude is changing. When a person dies at home, the body is bathed and dressed in the person's best clothes. A monk will be invited to chant prayers. The funeral will usually take place three or five days after the day of death. During the interim period, a wake will be held. During the wake, members of the deceased' family keep vigil during the nights. Visitors who come to pay their last respects to the deceased are often served tea and black melon seeds. If a person dies in a hospital or elsewhere, the corpse id usually placed in a morgue. However, the wake will still be held at the home of the deceased.

Burial is still common in Myanmar but cremation is also performed. The recitation is also performed. The recitation of prayers by monks is part and parcel of a funeral. If one is informed of the death of the death of a friend, it is necessary to send a letter, or telegram if one is unable to visit the deceased's family or attend the funeral. Failure to do this is insulting to the deceased's family. Donations are usually given if the deceased's family is financially backward. When you are attending a funeral, do not wear bright e celebrate this festival to rejoice in a good harvest. Also celebrate in January is the Equestrian Festival which dates back to ancient times.

Falling in April, the Water Festival (or Thingyan) is celebrated for three days to usher in the Myanmar New Year. In the cities and towns, makeshift pavilions with stages for singing and dancing are erected, and barrels are filled with water. Young people dance and sing on the stages and throw water on all and sundry. It is believed that being drenched with Thingyan water washes away one's sin and bad luck. Decorative floats may also take part in processions.

The Kasone Festival usually falls in May. It was on the full-moon day of the Myanmar month of Kasone that Buddha was born, attained Enlightenment and passed away . As Buddha had attained Enlightenment while meditating under a Bodhi tree, the grounds of pagodas and monasteries are planted with many of such trees. On this day, people carry earthenware pots filled with water and water the Bodhi trees. Processions are also held in temple grounds.

The Waso Robe-Offering is performed to commemorate Buddha's first sermon, and falls on the full moon day in June or July. The day also marks the beginning of the Buddhist Lent. At pagodas, monks are offered free meals and a robe-giving ceremony is performed with pomp and pageantry by disciples.

On the full-moon day of Thadingyut (usually in October), the Festival of Lights is celebrated to mark the descent of Buddha from Tavadinsa or the abode of devas. Arounf this day, pagodas, buildings, public parks and houses are decorated with strings of electric bulns, oil lanterns, or candles, and young people pay respect to their elders by offering them gifts of fruits, cakes or pieces of textiles.

In the Myanmar month of Tazaungmone which corresponds to either October or November, the Kahtein Robe-Offering is performed. This occasion is similar to the Waso Robe-Offering, Also celebrated in Tazaungmone is Tazaungdaing, a second Festival of Lights. At many pagodas through the country, all- night robe-weaving contests are held. The finished robes , which must be completed before daylight, are offered to Buddha images in the pagodas.Christmas is celebrated by those who have accepted the Christian creed with carol singing, parties, and midnight masses, just like in other parts of the world.

The Religious Beliefs
Most Myanmar are Buddhist of the Theravada stream. Central to their religious beliefs is karma, the concept that good begets good and evil begets evils. Another belief is tat all living things go through reincarnation. If a person has committed sins, (he or she) will be reincarnated into a lower level being such as an animal or suffer in Hell; on the other hand, if he has done good deeds, he will be elevated to a higher level of existence to the world of devas. The ultimate aim in life according to Buddhist belief is to escape the cycle of rebirth and reach Nirvana.
Meritorious deeds that will help a person to achieve Nirvana include giving donations ( especially to monks) and abiding by the Five Precepts and practising Bavana (meditation).The Five Precepts are exhortation not to kill, steal, lie, drink alcohol, and commit adultery. The Five Precepts are codes of conduct for laypeople. There are also Eight, Nine and Ten precepts, meant to be practised by more serious lay devotees. The Jemghas or monks have to abide by the 227 rules of conduct or vinayas.

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