
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Central Bank of Myanmar Reference Foreign Exchange Rates as of 17th November 2017


Central Bank of Myanmar

Reference Foreign Exchange Rates as of 17th November 2017
  • The reference exchange rate of the kyat for account transactions against the U.S. dollar is based on the auctions conducted by the Central Bank of Myanmar and authorized domestic dealer banks.
    Currency Value Reference Rate for Account Transactions
    United State Dollar USD 1/- = K 1,366.0
  • Indicative cross exchange rates for other certain currencies.
    Currency Value Indicative Cross Exchange Rates for Account Transactions
    Euro EUR 1/-=K 1,610.8
    Singapore Dollar SGD 1/-=K 1,007.9
    Pound Sterling GBP 1/-=K 1,804.1
    Swiss Franc CHF 1/-=K 1,375.5
    Japanese Yen JPY 100/-=K 1,210.5
    Australian Dollar AUD 1/-=K 1,035.9
    Bangladesh Taka BDT 1/-=K 16.364
    Brazilian Real ** BRL 1/-=K 414.60
    Brunei Dollar BND 1/-=K 1,007.8
    Cambodian Riel ** KHR 100/-=K 33.785
    Canadian Dollar CAD 1/-=K 1,071.8
    Chinese Yuan CNY 1/-=K 206.01
    Czech Koruna ** CZK 1/-=K 62.858
    Danish Krone ** DKK 1/-=K 216.14
    Egyptian Pound ** EGP 1/-=K 77.396
    Hong Kong Dollar HKD 1/-=K 174.93
    Indian Rupee INR 1/-=K 20.920
    Indonesian Rupiah IDR 100/-=K 10.101
    Israeli Shekel ** ILS 1/-=K 387.58
    Kenya Shilling ** KES 1/-=K 13.173
    Korean Won KRW 100/-=K 124.58
    Kuwaiti Dinar ** KWD 1/-=K 4,519.8
    Lao Kip *** LAK 100/-=K 16.464
    Malaysian Ringgit MYR 1/-=K 327.46
    Nepalese Rupee ** NPR 1/-=K 13.051
    New Zealand Dollar NZD 1/-=K 937.16
    Norwegian Kroner ** NOK 1/-=K 166.17
    Pakistani Rupee PKR 1/-=K 12.972
    Philippines Peso PHP 1/-=K 26.879
    Russian Rouble ** RUB 1/-=K 22.805
    Saudi Arabian Riyal ** SAR 1/-=K 364.24
    Serbian Dinar ** RSD 1/-=K 13.582
    South Africa Rand ** ZAR 1/-=K 95.674
    Sri Lankan Rupee ** LKR 1/-=K 8.8680
    Swedish Krona ** SEK 1/-=K 162.34
    Thai Baht THB 1/-=K 40.331
    Vietnamese Dong ** VND 100/-=K 6.0118
  • SDR reference exchange as at (16/11/2017) 1 SDR = 1.4092 USD
    1 SDR =1,925.0 Kyats
  • The reference exchange rate, which is determined by market demand and supply conditions, is published for reference purpose only.

* The cross exchange rates are based on the rates published by Thomson Reuters.
** The cross rates for these currencies are based on the reference rates published by
*** The cross exchange rate for this currency is based on the reference rate published by the respective central bank.

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