
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Hurricane Harvey has left thousands homeless in Houston,USA at Aug 29,2017

Race against time to rescue thousands of people from devastated areas of Texas as Harvey threatens to make landfall for a second time, bringing up to 50 more inches of rain.
Hurricane Harvey has left thousands homeless in Houston with more than 5,000 people currently in shelters.
The number was expected to rise as more rescues were carried out across the Texan city on Monday morning.
Another 50 inches of rain is set to fall over the coming days which will exasperate the catastrophe .
System is expected to stay over water with 45 mph winds for 36 hours, then head back inland Wednesday.
Two major dams 20 miles outside of the city are being drained, sending more water cascading into homes.
Despite the unfolding disaster, the mayor has still not issued a mandatory evacuation order across the city.
Scores of panicked residents are taking to social media to beg for help after becoming stranded in houses.
911 operators are stretched to their limit - on Sunday there was a backlog of 150 calls at any given time .
Fundraising efforts by the Red Cross are underway and celebrities are donating thousands to relief funds .
In total, 11 people are feared dead across the entire state as a result of the storm, including a family of six.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has deployed the entire National Guard of 12,000 to rescue stranded citizens.
Military planes are now flying evacuees out of areas of Texas that have been devastated by Hurricane Harvey.

By Jennifer Smith and Ann Schmidt

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