
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Singapore HDB Survey Findings - Year 2013

Survey Findings - Year 2013

Summary of Key Findings on Business Expectations Survey 2013

1.HDB shops play an important social role. Therefore, it is pertinent to monitor the state of health of HDB shopkeepers on an annual basis. The Business Expectations Survey (BES) on HDB Shopkeepers was conducted in 4Q 2013, covering a total of 2,953 shopkeepers in various HDB towns/estates.

2.The satisfaction level among HDB shopkeepers in 2013 (60.8%) was comparable to 2012 and higher than the years before (Figure A).

2013 Fig A

3.The two main factors contributing to shopkeepers’ satisfaction with their current businesses were having an established business (54.6%) and high human traffic (23.9%). Having an established business / customer base also topped the list in previous surveys in 2012 and 2011. This shows that HDB shopkeepers had been relying on serving an established resident customer base for long term sustainability of their business.

4.Shopkeepers’ satisfaction levels varied across different trade types. Operators of restaurants/fast food had the highest satisfaction levels, with 85.9% of them satisfied with their current businesses. This was followed by medical and dental clinics (80.5%), childcare/education centres (68.3%) and supermarkets (64.6%). On the other hand, those operating shops selling books/stationery/gifts (49.1%), pet shops/vets (50.0%) and household products (50.4%) were among the least satisfied (Figure B). For shops selling books/stationery/gifts and pet shops/vets, the common reasons cited were high rent and low human traffic. For household products, the limiting factors cited were stiff competition and low human traffic. In comparison to the trades surveyed in 2012, medical and dental clinics (89.5%), eating establishments (65.9%) and education/childcare centres (65.2%) were the top three trades with the highest satisfaction levels.

2013 Fig B

5.About eight in ten HDB shopkeepers (84.3%) indicated their intention to continue with their present business in the next five years (Figure C). This proportion was higher than that of 2012 (74.3%), which also signifies that shopkeepers are more positive with their business outlook.

2013 Fig C


80% of Singapore's resident population live in HDB flats,. 50 Years of Home ... nation building 50 years ago, and remains equally vital today. ... Having worked in HDB for over 37 years, ..... precincts. These plans are the rich result of painstaking ..... surveyrespondents found the dialogue sessions useful in helping them ...

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