
Sunday, January 18, 2015

စကာၤပူက စားသံုုးသူ၀န္ေဆာင္မႈ အသစ္ေလးေတြ!

စကာၤပူမွာ   Customer Service ဆိုုတဲ့ မိမိရဲ႕စားသံုုးသူေတြကိုု ၀န္ေဆာင္မႈေပးတာ ၁၅ မိနစ္၊ ၃၀မိနစ္ႏွင့္ အၿပီးအျပတ္လုုပ္ေဆာင္ခိုုင္းယံုုမကဘဲ  ေနာက္ၿပီး ေန႔စဥ္ အစီခံစာတင္ျပတာကိုု အားမရေသးဘဲ အခုုေနာက္ပိုုင္းမွာ နည္းပညာေတြတိုုးတက္လာသလိုု လူေတြကိုုလဲ ဒီလိုု Software ေတြႏွင့္ ခ်က္ခ်င္း အစီခံစာတင္ခိုုင္းတတ္တယ္ဗ်.....
ဘယ္ေလာက္မ်ား လူေတြကိုုဘယ္လိုုခိုုင္းရမယ္ ဘယ္လိုုေဆာင္ရြက္ေပးႏိုုင္ရမယ္ဆိုုတာဘဲ အျမဲ ၾကည့္တတ္တဲ့  ႏိုင္ငံေလးပါဘဲ...     
အလုုပ္မွာလဲ တေျဖးေျဖးတင္းက်ပ္လာပါေတာ့တယ္..ဒီလိုုေတြေၾကာင့္ ဒီလိုု ဒဏ္ေတြမခံႏိုု္င္လိုု႔ ျပန္ေျပး တဲ့လူေတြလဲ မနည္းေတာ့ဘူးဗ်...လာသာမ်ားေလ၊ရာထူးႀကီးေလ ပိုုတာ၀န္ယူမႈပိုုမ်ားလာရတာပါေနာ္...

Real-time inspection and feedback helps Changi Airport cut costs and manpower

PUBLISHED ON DEC 16, 2013 5:48 PM 

Changi Airport has made great gains in productivity and service standards, three years after it launched a feedback system allowing visitors to rate its staff and facilities, and a real-time inspection system to monitor faults in the airport.
Since 2010, the move has slashed maintenance costs by more than $2 million, improved response time for repairs by 30 percent and reduced manpower by 69, or about five per cent, said the Changi Airport Group in a media statement.
Through its E-inspection system, maintenance staff can report faults to contractors using smartphones installed with specialised software, and keep tabs on repair progress. The instant feedback system also allows airport users to rate counter staff, immigration officers, retailers and cleaners.
The airport hopes to expand the system soon to include other areas, such as escalators, lifts and passenger loading bridges.
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