
Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Life of Buddha - a documentary film by BBC (English Subtitle)

"Over 2,500 years ago, one man showed the world a way to enlightenment. 

This BBC documentary covers the life of a young man named Siddhartha Gautama, a young prince from the northwest frontier of India.

Siddhartha Gautama determined to discover the reasons people suffer in their lives and found the path to solve the problems of suffering (dukkha).
Having found it by reaching enlightenment -- solving the problems of rebirth, old age, sickness, death, impermanence, and disappointment, he returned to our world.
He returned to his former family and country, to teach the path to the end of suffering for all people who seek the way to enlightenment.

Do not believe in something because you are told to. Do not believe in something because a holy person said it. Do not believe in something because you read it from a book. Follow and practice the teaching if it brings happiness to you and others then follow it.

If you would like more information about Buddhism, this website would be useful:

The Life of Buddha - a documentary film by BBC (English Subtitle)

Since 'Paul who came back to life' experienced the above story he has remained a faithful witness to the Lord Jesus Christ. Burmese pastors have told that he had led hundreds of other monks to faith in Christ.
His testimony is obviously very uncompromising. Because of that, his message has offended many people who cannot accept there is only one Way to Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ. Despite great opposition, his experiences were so real to him that he has not wavered. 

After many years in the Buddhist monk hood, as a strict follower of Buddhist teachings, he immediately proclaimed the Gospel of Christ following his resurrection and exhorted other monks to forsake all false gods and follow Jesus Christ with all their hearts. 

Before the time of his sickness and death he had no exposure to Christianity at all. Everything he learned during those three days in the grave was new to his mind.

In a bid to get his message out to as many people as possible, this modern-day Lazarus began distributing audio and video cassette tapes with his story on them. The police and Buddhist authorities in Myanmar have done their utmost to gather these tapes up and destroy them. The testimony you have just read has been translated form one of those cassette tapes. We are told it is now quite dangerous for citizens of Myanmar to be in possession of these tapes.

His fearless testimony has landed him in prison at least once, where the authorities failed in their bid to silence him. Upon his release he continued to testify of the things he saw and heard. His current whereabouts are uncertain. One Burmese informant told us he is prison and may have been killed, while another informant was told he is now released from prison and is continuing his ministry.

Want to hear a demon talk? Video of demon talking out of a teenage girl
link here:

Buddhist Monk saw Buddha in HELL!! (english translation)

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