
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Public housing should be reserved for Singapore citizens and not PRs

Posted by temasektimes on July 15, 2012

I felt that HDB is meant to provide a roof over the heads of Singaporeans, if PRs really want to profit out of the property system, please go and buy private property.
If a PR is living in a private property, why deny another person from owning the HDB by increasing the demand of it and directly jacking up the price of it? To the PR, it is an investment, to a Singaporean it is a shelter that will give protection to him/her and his/her loves one. So why should people who have no intention of staying be allowed to own a HDB? If the rental is actually cheaper than the price you are paying for the installment, why not the PR stay in the HDB or not buy it at all?
The same thing goes for CPF, it is meant as a strategy to help Singaporeans save up for education, retirement and their medical expenses. Not some ‘investment funds’ for PRs to withdraw as and when they like it.
Theses 2 things have long been abused by the PRs and they are now complaining because the government wishes to rectify it. Its is like a child complaining when you stop giving the child candies and he/she felt that they are entitled to it because you have been giving it for the past few years.
Second class citizen as PR? Seriously, which country treat their PRs like first class citizen? If you do not want your son to serve NS, you can easily pay 10k and send him somewhere else before he hit consciption age.
If PRs really wish to enjoy the full perks of a Singaporeans, please renoun their citizenship to being a Singaporean rather than a remaining a PR and be able to ‘bail’ when trouble arises.

25 Responses to “Public housing should be reserved for Singapore citizens and not PRs”

  1. Cc Chia said

    Agree completely. PRs are still “Immigrants” since they retain the citizenship of the country they came from.
    It is only in Singapore that PRs are treated as “Residents” and lumped together with Singapore Citizens in statistical calculations on population distribution and employment etc, issued by the PAP government. Perhaps the real reason for the PAP doing this, is to hide the embarassing fact that :-
    (PRs + Work Permit holders + Employment Pass holders) > Singapore citizens, who are now outnumbered in their own country!!
    It is only if they include (PRs + New citizens + original Singapre citizens) = “Residents”, that the immigrants and non-resident workers here make up the official figure of 30% of the foreigners in SIngapore. Just take a walk in our busy streets or sidewalks, and ride in our over-crowded trains and buses and you would come to the same conclusion.

  2. Lim said

    I envy my foreign friend who’s PR has not been renewed and now can withdraw all his CPF monies and still go back home with his bounty Can we? Citizens got to leave home and renounce citizenship before ever dreaming of touching what is rightfully theirs. Why does the govt allow this to go on? why why why!!!

  3. Kbkb said

    Gahment wants more people to come spore, make it so attractive for them to stay in spore. Reason is very simple, more cpf contribute, more funds for tamasik, more reason to print more s$. Unlike australia, etc who has a lot of resources that they could export. Spore has nothing but people. So, we have no choice.

  4. Sunhub said

    PR = Parasite Resident.
    They will feed on the host company. Should the host country collapses, abandon and jump ship.
    Never trust them.. Parasite

  5. Matthew said

    let us see whether the Straits Times would print this and whether both the PAP’s and WP’s MPs would support this idea.
    Then we can really know if they are really for Singapore or for the PRs, and then we can vote them out accordingly.
    We are not against any FTs working or staying in Singapore, but we only want to make sure that our HDB’s housing is for our citizens and especially to those that go through National Service.

  6. David said

    It is indeed sad that while our PAP govt has no qualm of allowing foreigners to milk the system to the fullest and yet squabble over a hundred dollars increment to poor people under public assistance.

  7. CWS said

    Agree. Guess who really benefits from all these policies …

  8. Jack said

    This is worth considering, public housing should be for citizens, this is a common practice in other countries, you try to buy a public housing in Malaysia, thanks, jack Ng

  9. Mahbok Tan said

    Question is why PR can withfraw all their CPF and we COS cannot withdraw it out….!!! Who make this law and regulation…????
    Our GOVT of the DAY does not encourage us COS to be dependent ot them(GOVT) but it seems that the GVOT are dependent to us(COS) for our CPF….what an irony….!!! KNNBCCB to the PAP – GOVT….!!!

  10. SashaQueenie said

    I completely agree. PRs loyalty has yet to be tested. They could easily pack up and leave tomorrow. So why should they be allowed to enjoy such relatively low price public housing. If you are a foreigner and you have no means to earn a living, then why the hell are you here? Singapore is not cheap, you know. Even the PM acknowledges that it is “no fun” being poor in Singapore. So if you are poor, then please fuck off. If you have the talent, then why the hell are you poor? See you later, alligator! Keep the flats for Singaporeans. True Blue Singaporeans. No PRs. This Govt’s priorities are skewed and illogical. Vote them out!

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