
Saturday, November 19, 2011

iOS5 update did not fix battery glitch

5 days ago by Ellyne Phneah

Apple customers have lamented that devices with the latest iOS 5 operating systems still suffer from weak battery life, even after the company last week issued an update meant to fix the bug.

Users took to Apple's message boards to complain that iOS 5.0.1 delivered yesterday did not resolve the problem. Criticisms had surfaced after Cupertino released the mobile operating system last month, in conjuction with iPhone 4S, where users experienced shorter battery life lasting just a few hours after a full charge.
One user said he was not having "major issues" with his battery until he upgraded to the new software and things became worse--within three hours of unplugging the phone from the charger, his battery dipped to 70 percent after he made a five minute call.

Another said his battery drained 2 percent to 3 percent in less than 5 minutes when his iPhone was not running any apps. "I hope there is a fix soon, else I will have to take this back to the store," he said on Apple's message board.

"The recent iOS software update addressed many of the battery issues that some customers experienced on their iOS 5 devices," Trudy Muller, a company spokesperson said in a statement. "We continue to investigate a few remaining issues."

Apple last week acknowledged problems with the iPhone battery life, saying that a "few bugs" had affected a "small number" of customers. Cupertino did not elaborate on what caused the problem.

The company last year also faced much criticism over a design flaw involving the iPhone antenna, dubbed "Antennagate", which would experience a significant drop in network signal when the device was gripped in a certain way. Apple later gave away free cases and updated the software to address the complaints.

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