
Friday, September 30, 2011

Fresh Grad Salary in Singapore 2011!

Written on by in Salary Guide
Many fresh graduates in Singapore or studying abroad leave polytechnics or universities around the middle of the year. In this survey conducted around Sep 2010, Hay Group’s Fresh Graduate Pay survey for 2010 published their results from the survey of about 90 companies in Singapore. The forecast of the fresh grads’ average starting salary range indicated that Diploma holders can expect to earn S$1,784, Degree holders should earn S$2,418 and Masters graduates will probably earn S$2,820.
These findings are based on the results of the following 6 industries, including jobs from the law, engineering, IT & Telco, R&D, logistics & supply chain and finance & accounting professions.


Average Fresh Graduates Starting Pay in Singapore for 2011 (Forecast)

Fresh Grad JobsDiploma Graduate Starting SalaryDegree Graduate Starting SalaryMasters Graduate Starting Salary
IT & Telecommunications1,8352,5362,828
Research & Development1,8262,5272,842
Logistics & Supply Chain1,7522,3322,625
Finance & Accounting1,7382,4002,748
Average for all jobs1,7842,4182,820

Mr Victor Chan, Country Head of Reward Information Services, Hay Group Singapore, had this to say:
With the recovery this year, employers have upped the salary stakes for finding the best talent from this year’s graduating classes. However, due to uncertainties in the global economy, companies are more
cautious when forecasting starting pay for graduates in 2011. Starting salaries in 2011 are likely to drop for
Bachelor and Masters degree-holders. In contrast, starting salaries for diploma holders are more resilient,
showing an increase.
NTU recently announced that among its 2011 cohort of fresh graduates, there were a few degree holders who are earning starting pay of more than S$10k, with one NTU grad earning a top salary of S$20k.

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